Our Handcrafted Products

Upon checking out www.handmadehappiness.ca, my friend called me last evening and inquired about our products. I am not a good sales person nor a good story teller, but something happened last evening. Words flowed from my mouth as if they were coming from somewhere else.
“My friend when you go for a walk, pick up some leaves and flowers and press them in the handmade paper, look at them next day and you will be surprised how beautiful they look. Select a photo from your album, print it out, and glue it in one of our journals, and write something about it. Later on in your life, you will have the opportunity share it with your friends and families, and you will thank me for that! I know you do not like to journal, but you cannot resist not writing your precious thoughts in our beautiful journals. Journaling is healthy for your mind and body. When you have guests, you can ask them to write something, a phrase or a line about that particular moment in the journal. Trust me, it is a priceless moment when you look back at it after few years. ”
“My friend, when you are stressed out or feel restless, take out that singing bowl from the box and strike it gently with a mallet. Your room and your entire body will be filled with good vibrations; the sound is so healing that you will immediately feel relaxed and calm.”
“My friend, a folder, it is an all-purpose tool every household must have for the Holidays. To fold papers, opening envelopes, card making and of course bookbinding, basket weaving, burnishing, removing stain from laundry, creasing fabrics and many other applications.”
“My friend, with plastic bans in so many stores, I suggest you to invest in our hemp and cotton tote bags for all your shopping adventures, and don’t forget that we also have comfy Yak wool shawls and blankets, softer and durable than Cashmere and warmer than wool.”
Not a bad sales pitch, eh?